The BL team finally got their season underway with a home fixture against High Legh Park on the 9th May.
Their first fixture was postponed in April because of snow and it was touch and go if this one would go ahead due to torrential rain and course flooding the previous day. Luckily the rain stopped in time for the course to reopen.
Despite last minute substitutuion, 3 intrepid players , with full waterproofs on hand, finally teed off. It was not an auspicious start golf wise, AEGC lost 2 matches and drew one- a win for High Legh Park.
Karen, Sue F and Fiona enjoyed the company of our opponents and we had a socially distanced, post-match tea ' take away style' on the patio. Many thanks to Sam and team for rising to the challenge of providing hospitality under such restrictive conditions.
BL team are lined up for the postponed match v Tytherington next. You may find them on the practice ground in preparation!
Fiona, Match Sec