Greens Update-Drainage Programme

Drainage Work-June 2022


Dear Members,

I am very pleased to provide you with a positive update regarding the drainage work that we have been attempting to undertake for many months. As planned earlier in the year the drainage contractor has confirmed his companies availability to start work on Monday June 20th. Those of you who played over the weekend will have seen that excavation kit was delivered Friday in order that work can begin.

Whilst this is good news it's also bitter sweet as the course is in really good condition at the moment and continues to be presented well by the greens team each week for us all to enjoy.  The work WILL be disruptive and dynamic to reflect progress and where possible to protect fixtures and competitions. The weather forecast for the week is good but lets me stress for our course and it's layout this is Major Work and there will be lots of GUR and even superficial damage as 10t to 20t dumpers and excavators move around the course.

The order the work is planned in as things stand is:


  • The 3rd approach and to tie in the drainage work done on the 3rd green in April
  • The 7th slopes and paths, 7th Fairway cross drains and clearing the pond adjacent to the fairway and 4th tee and clearing the outlet to the black Brook.
  • The 9th fairway outlet running from the trees to the left hand side of the fairway the length of the semi rough into the Brook and cross drains above the lateral path for about 50 yards
  • In and amongst this work the black Brook will be dredged and cleared to improve flow and water retention.

I have agreed with our Head Greenkeeper Jon that the best way to communicate with members and guests as the work progresses is to provide daily messages on the blackboard at the entrance to the locker rooms and a reminder notice on the first tee. On certain days there will be the need to move to temporary tee's and greens. The progress and restrictions will be communicated to the clubhouse team and Charles our pro so they can also inform those playing.

I would urge all members to please exercise patience and understanding for both our greens staff and the contractors as the work progresses. The work will be coordinated by Jon in close conjunction with the contractors. It will also require the greens staff to undertake other duties so again bear this in mind. Normal course maintenance and preparation may be done in a different sequence to accommodate the work too. I am away on holiday from Wednesday so I have asked Graham Moss to act as the liaison with the team in my absence, this should only be a watching brief.

It is hoped that the work will be completed in around 10 days. Please be aware that in those places where work has taken place the normal rules regarding GUR will apply. If there are any issues other than this then they will be communicated to gents golf who will issue guidance as necesssary. 

Finally let's all remember that this work has been a priority for members for a couple of years now so we all need to grin and bear it until the work is finished and as with the work on the 5th the benefits will outweigh the disruption.

Thank you on behalf of the greens staff for your patience and understanding.


Neil Johnson

Chairman of Greens