Newspaper coverage of the 54 hole Charity Challenge

This article featured in a recent Macclesfield Express, written by Geoff Garnett:


Great charity effort at Alderley Edge

ALDERLEY Edge Golf Club Captain Brian Pennington was delighted with the success of the 54-hole charity marathon he took part in with several members of the club.

Their aim was to raise funds for Brian’s chosen Captain’s charity of Mental Health  MIND, specifically for local and regional Mind, Stockport and District which supports our local area.

Brian said: “We achieved our target of completing 54 holes in about 12 hours with great support and encouragement from members and friends and the club staff to take the total raised so far to £7,500 for the event are still hoping to raise more.

“Suicide is still the biggest killer of men under 40 but it I not the young who feel it.

“My best friend’s father aged 96 committed suicide recently by hanging himself, it was so sad that such a fantastic man felt he had no way out but to kill himself.

“Not everyone needs support to take the final route, anyone can be impacted from children to the elderly, married and single, anyone, and as we come out of the pandemic the demand for the support MIND offers will grow.

”Anyone wishing to donate securely on the website