Vacancy - Treasurer at AEGC

Treasurer Vacancy at A.E.G.C

Dear Members,

Having been the Treasurer at Alderley Edge Golf Club for almost 2 years I feel that it will be a good time for me to stand down at this year’s AGM and pass on the role to a “fresh pair of eyes”.

My involvement as Treasurer has been enjoyable and given me a much better understanding of the workings of the club and the challenges we face in the ever changing world around us.      

As Treasurer you will be elected as a Member of Council and will become a Director of the Club.  The Club has the services of an experienced bookkeeper and the support of our accountants so a financial background is not necessary for the role.

Responsibilities will include:-

  • Preparation of annual budgets with input from House, Greens, etc.
  • Presentation of monthly financial reports to Council.
  • Overseeing financial systems and controls.
  • Working closely with the Club Administrator and Bookkeeper to ensure the Club’s accounts are accurate and kept up to date
  • Act as a signatory to the Club account and liaise with the Club’s bankers as required.
  • Attendance at Council meetings held on the first Monday of each month.

This position is available to any Full Member of Alderley Edge Golf Club.

Should you be interested in this position, or need any further information, then please do not hesitate to give me a call, or have a chat when you see me at the Club

Alan Adams


07778 568688

14th March 2018