World Handicap System is coming

We are fast approaching the introduction of the World Handicap System (WHS) at the beginning of November. Over the next few weeks we will be launching a communications campaign to inform you of what the changes mean and why they are being made. This email is just the start. So keep a look out for information on the club website, notice boards and in the locker rooms over the coming weeks. And if you really can’t wait search for WHS on the England Golf website.

Click here to go to England Golf Website:  WHS on England Golf website

In the meantime here is the absolute minimum you will need to know:

1) What you now call your handicap will be called your handicap index.

2) Each set of tee’s at each club in the UK will have a slope rating.

3) In order to determine how many shots you get on a particular course you will need to look up your handicap index on a table. The table will adjust your handicap index according to the slope rating for that course telling you how many shots you get and should be displayed near the first tees.