The Trustees of the 250 Club are pleased to confirm that the 2nd draw of 2020, originally planned for the evening of the Gents Opening Sides, has now been completed. Brian Foden completed the draw in the Club Office with Barry Arnold filming and is delighted to announce the following winners:
1st Prize (£350): Andrew Boyle
2nd Prize (£175): Paul Gosling
3rd Prize: (£100): Mike Davies
4th Prize (£75): Barry Arnold
At present, we have 98 members in the 250 Club and new members are always welcome! Each number costs £5 per month, paid via direct debit, with forms available from the Club Office or click here: 250 Club Application Form. The 250 Club holds four draws a year with half of all proceeds going towards Club funds and the other half shared out in prizes. As examples, funds from the 250 Club have been used to cover the purchase of new patio furniture and a barbecue, as well as the provision of a grant to the Garden Committee for work behind the 4th green (currently in full bloom and many thanks to Drew Sutton). More recently, the 250 Club kindly covered the cost of sharpening blades on the club's triple mower and the purchase of two new heavy duty strimmers.
The 250 Club is a really great way of supporting in some small way the future of Alderley Edge Golf Club.
Brian Foden
Trustee, 250 Club