Juniors Noticeboard

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News Item

Mike Troup the Junior Organiser has asked me to let you know the following:


As of Monday 1st September the Junior roll-up/ competition will be cancelled for the rest of the season.  The Juniors are still welcome to play but this will NOT be supervised by the Club and they would need to book a tee time. 


Please remember the following Junior competitions will be played as follows:


Captain's Prize to the Juniors Sunday 31st August - tee off times from 14.00 hours for 18 holes.  This is a Major so if you can play please do so.


Williamson Trophy - Sunday 7th September - tee times from 14.00 for 18 holes. This is also a Major.


There will be a presentation for these prizes - please check with Mike Troup the Junior Organiser when this will take place.

 The juniors can also join in on the Fancy Dress fun com 9 hole comp on Sunday 21st September - see BRS and main website for details.

Junior Captain's Prize to the Juniors - Sunday 21st September - currently tee times from 14.00 but this might be changed according to the daylight hours - so please check on BRS.


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